Monday, June 29, 2009

Monday, June 8, 2009

STL Weekend

Last weekend I drove up to St Louis. There was blood, there were tears, and there were sweaty, disgusting farts all lingering in my car.

STL B Roll from Alex Hoffman on Vimeo.

On my second night in STL we hit up ChrisJack's area, we ended up going to 141, a really good yellow uprail, checked out goonie, and this two up four down spot that ChrisJack got a trick on. Unfortunately Kendal rolled his ankle doing a body flail down the four, putting him out for the day, but I have faith that he'll be back on a board real soon. The following day we went to JB for the Infinity Shop birthday celebration. There was a contest on the double set which was fun to watch. Some little groms freak won it with a hardflip. Later on, a raffle was done, I won ChrisJack an awesome hat, and Kendal and John won free skateboards. Way to be, you raffle winning hooligans!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Back in action

Yikes. from Alex Hoffman on Vimeo.

My capture cam came back today, which means I can capture again. In celebration of this awesome occasion, I've decided to post some of the better clips filmed recently. Enjoy.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Finding ways to pass the time

Old Old Old Old from Alex Hoffman on Vimeo.

For now I am out with a rolled ankle, so I made this edit of all of the footage of me that is either too old, not useable, or both. Enjoy.

Monday, May 25, 2009

"Our park rangers

are real pieces of shit" is a conclusion that I came to after not a whole lot of thinking. Last week they shut the skate park down because someone moved a picnic table up by the quarter pipes. First the stupid ass bitch came out and told Alex, Zach and I to stop skating and to move the table; likely because we were the oldest ones there. But that's no reason to blame us. So we didn't, she took down our license plates and we came back later in the day.

Then when we came back, the picnic table had been moved by a bunch of stupid little kids and a male park ranger came out and apparently told everyone to quit skating, but no one did so he called the police. The police officer came and threatened to arrest anyone that wouldn't quit skating and leave. I asked the park ranger what the problem was and he told me to "get the fuck away" from him.

What an embracing scene.

[We never posted anything about this before, so I figured I would go ahead and mention the incident]

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Throw away

Throw Away from Alex Hoffman on Vimeo.

Some footage that's starting to get really old, and some footage I don't have any use for. enjoy.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

A round of applause for...

Tylor Willinghammorz. For being a really really good driver, and for being a really good real good friend in the time of need and desperation. Tyler, you're great. A dear friend to all. The next time you see Tyler, pat him on the back and say something nice to him, compliment him on his shoes or his skating abilities, or at how good he races his silver bullet.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

Parkside Decks & Blanks

Picked one up and I am really impressed with the mold I got and how well it skates. I'm not an expert on any skate shit but I know that they feel really good.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Probably the last place you would wanna look for this...

BUT, slap did an article of the stl skate scene and jeff has a really good sequence.


What gives?

The blog got a little bit of a design change. I hope you guys like it, and if you don't then cool your jets you stinkers.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Put that in your milk!

Last weekend in stl, I had fun. This is partially why. If Mr. Kehoe will send me some footage MAYBE I will show you why else I had fun.

STL fun from Alex Hoffman on Vimeo.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

While you're waiting...

Here is an edit of a day at Mill Creek. Get ready for some really shitty filming and some awful skating. Enjoy.

Mill Creek Extravaganza from Alex Hoffman on Vimeo.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Coming Soon

an edit of a stl trip. no rolled ankles this time!

but what happened here?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


it will come out either this week or soon next week. i PROMISE. trust me, when it comes to deadlines, i'm your man.

Tyler's Thoughts: Mindfield

I felt like I was simultaneously watching scenes from a really good skate video and A Bug's Life.

here's some entertainment.

alex's trip out west from Alex Hoffman on Vimeo.

hi guys

it's me. alex. but shh it's a sk8ecret.


Here's a picture of Jamie.

Oh yeah, a ollie. Way to go Jamie, you suck.

A new beginning

This blog will revolutionize the world. It will save lives and it will promote justice. We will post cool videos and talk about cool things. We are R3AL people doing things the R3AL way. Sk8 or die. And don't forget, we are the best secret skate blog.

Oh and shut up, I know I haven't been sk8ing faggots.